Create a proper deployment architecture, be it cloud or on-prem. Setup automated continuous delivery and deployment cycle.

DevOps is an essential part of any system. DevOps helps to plan the architecture for deployment of any product by which it can be available and accessible to the target audience. It’s an ongoing process, making possible continuous deployment of new features and updates on the system to keep it aligned with a business roadmap. DevOps helps in creating a product with a hybrid solution and taking the best of each technology.

Few Best Practices of DevOps

  • Use of Version controlling systems
    Having VCS is one of the best practices of product development. This helps to trace back any previous release. It makes collaboration possible for a more significant project. Development teams can be distributed at various locations and still work on the same project. Restoring a previous version or roll becomes easy. It also is a kind of backup at every stage.
  • Continuous Integration
    It’s a best practice to merge every developer’s code to the main branch once or several times a day. An automated test can then verify each integration. Integrating the codes regularly can detect errors quickly and locate them more easily. It reduces the overall time spent on issue fixing in the project.
  • Continuous Delivery on a Staging environment
    In continuous delivery, code release is automatically prepared for release copy in production. This helps the developer to test the work again as a whole in the system before it goes to end customers on production. This practice makes every release very reliable.
  • Continuous Deployment on Production environment
    Continuous deployment is when code clears all the automated test cases, it will automatically get deployed on the production environment. However, this is not followed by everyone, and production majorly is manually released.
  • Automated Test Cases for accepting code
    Before any release to the end customer, the regression test should be compulsory. So to test all the previously build code is necessary. New development should never break the previous features. These continuous test cases are made automated to keep the regression test for all the releases. These are repetitive in nature.
  • Continuous monitoring of Production environment
    Once the deployment is completed, a general health check of the production server is ignored. However, this practice should be ongoing and routine. If this practice is proactively followed, it guarantees 99.99% uptime for any system.

Digimark practices DevOps

DevOps is a practice that every product should follow. It brings both developers and operations together to form a smaller and active product development cycle. The team of Digimark is specialized in setting up such architecture. It is capable of setting up automated test acceptance and a proper CI/CD process. At Digimark, the teams of data scientists are highly experienced and can set up various tools like single sign-on/LDAP authentication, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Gradle, and AWS. Digimark also provides hiring services and consulting services for both onsite and offsite DevOps engineers.

Deployment is one of the parameters of a successful product.

Tools for deployment architecture

  • Amazon Web services

    Its an on-demand cloud computing platform to any cloud hosting system.

  • Amazon Redshift

    It’s again a more significant part of cloud computing for Big Data. It is mainly used for forming data warehouses.

  • Google BigQuery

    Its a serverless platform used for querying big data-sets

  • Jenkins

    Jenkins is an open-source and free automation server that is written in Java. Jenkins automates the non-human part of the software development process, by facilitating technical aspects of continuous delivery and continuous integration.

  • Kubernetes

    Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating application deployment, management, and scaling. Google originally designed it, and now, Cloud Native Computing Foundation maintains it.

  • Gradle

    Gradle is an open-source build-automation system. It is built upon the concepts of Apache Maven and Apache Ant. It also introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language instead of the XML form for declaring the project configuration.

  • Chef

    It’s a tool for configuration management dealing with setups on physical servers and virtual cloud servers

Benefits of proper deployment plans and experienced DevOps engineer in the team

  1. Facilitate agility in future developments.

    Agile methodology is different from devops practices. Agile focuses on iterative approach with client collaboration, whereas devops is to streamline development and operations. However, implementing devops practices can complement the project getting developed on Agile methodology.

  2. Makes the deployment process faster and easier

    Implementation and setup of correct CI/CD tools and processes make the deployment faster as code gets tested automatically and gets approval.

  3. Facilitates 100% uptime

    By following the practice of continuous monitoring of the production environment, any anomaly can be pre-detected and prevented.

  4. Facilitates collaborative working patterns

    Remotely, multiple teams can work together and collaborate on more significant systems. Different skills and expertise can make a better product. Each developer can concentrate on his domain expertise and operations are all automated.

  5. Facilitates hybrid technology architecture

    Every technology has some strong capabilities, using specific tools like Docker, it has now become feasible to use different techniques together. This has opened doors to use best of all in the same project and still can be deployed on the same server.

  6. Facilitates Load balancing and backup capabilities

    Due to VCS auto backups are created. It can also facilitate rollbacks and become artifacts of the system progress. DevOps can also help to configure load balancing as it understands the system’s operations.

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Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf.

Geoffrey Moore